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Selasa, 03 April 2012

Mempercepat System C:\ D:\ (Removable dan Computer) dengan Software 360Amigo System Speedup Pro (Cleaning Risk Junk FIle, Registry, Privacy, Defragmeter) Optimizer

Mempercepat System C:\ D:\ (Removable dan Computer) dengan Software 360Amigo System Speedup Pro (Cleaning Risk Junk FIle, Registry, Privacy, Defragmeter) Optimizer

Sahabat ROG kini kami berbagi software, walaupun bukan software baru tapi tentu bermanfaat bagi PC dan Laptop yang kita sayangi agar terhidar dari berbagai virus.

Mungkin sofware ini sudah banyak yang memakai.
Untuk sahabat.ku yang belum memakai, jangan lupa mencoba.

Fitur Pembersih :
1: Junk Files
2: Registry Cleaner
3: Smart Defrag
4: System Restore
5: Optimizer System

Keunggulan software ini :
- Sebagai pembersih file sampah pada komputer.
- Pelindung dari file yang Risk
- Pembersih system
- Unistall program yang tidak berguna (yang sulit diunistall)
- Dapat juga sebagai pengganti Antivirus

Silahkan lihat atau
About 360Amigo
360Amigo is dedicated to providing software utilities that make PCs run like new. 360Amigo System Speedup is designed to fix PC problems quickly and cheaply, and extend the life of computers by years. With 360Amigo System Speedup, PC users no longer need to put up with sluggish performance or bear the cost and inconvenience of purchasing a new computer.
It's time for smart and simple solutions to help computer users of all levels solve slow computer problems and improve PC performance. With over 15 years experience in the software industry, the founding team has expertise in software development, user interface, market intelligence, and quality assurance. 360Amigo's products are designed to fix PC problems quickly and cheaply, and extending the life of your computer by years. You no longer need to have the cost and inconvenience of purchasing a new computer.
In the near future, we will be adding more products and more solutions to give you the utilities you need to keep your PC running at peak performance.
Source : 360Amigo Help System

Untuk Mendownload 360Amigo System Speedup Pro

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